A residential swimming pool is among the most luxurious features that a homeowner can have. Installation of fences around residential swimming pools is done to increase safety around the pool area.

Installing a residential pool fence involves more than just buying the required materials and calling in the pool fencing contractor. Not known to many pool owners is the fact that there are various legal aspects associated with pool fence installation. Below is a discussion on some of the legal aspects of pool fence construction that affected homeowners should know about.

The Non-Climbable Zone

Legal aspects of pool construction are all about safety. In a large number of jurisdictions, residential pool owners are required by law to have a "non-climbable zone between the fence and the pool. This piece of legislation seeks to eliminate possibilities of children climbing over the pool fence.

This piece of legislation is aimed at eliminating the possibility of children climbing over the pool fence. Ideally this zone should be a reasonable distance away from shrubs and trees, chairs, and even ladders that children may use for elevation when looking to climb over the fence.

Local Council Laws Vs. State Laws

In a large number of jurisdictions, the construction of residential pool fences is governed by both state laws and by-laws formulated by local councils. This may be confusing for a large number of prospective pool owners as the two sets of laws often have different provisions on similar issues.

In situations where local by-laws have more stringent provisions with regards to a particular issue, the by-laws will take precedence over state laws relating to the same issue.

For example, if local by-laws prohibit direct access to the pool area from anywhere around the house while state laws allow for direct access, the prospective pool owner will have to abide by the provisions of the local by-laws.

Exemptions For Residential Pool Fencing Requirements

Under certain limited circumstances, a prospective pool owner can be exempted from the requirement to install a pool fence. For example, in the event that compliance with pool fencing requirements will make it impractical for persons with disability to access the pool area, an exemption can be granted. Because pool fencing laws differ from one state to the next, it is important for prospective pool owners to consult the relevant authorities in order to ascertain that they qualify for an exemption.

Don't take chances. Be sure to undertake residential pool fence installation the legal way.
